Interested in applying for a Community Land Trust home or for a Buyer-Initiated downpayment assistance grant? Complete this form below to start the process.

City of Bridges CLT Eligibility Form

Include all adults AND children living at least 50% of their time in the household.

For applicant, co-applicant, any other adults in the home receiving income and  children over 18 years of age  - Includes regular employment, self-employment, gratuities and commissions BEFORE tax and other deductions, child or spousal support, employment insurance, Pension, Social Security, disability pension, Worker’s Compensation, investment income, etc.




Hold down the control (PC) or command (Mac) key while you click to select more than one choice.
The following questions are entirely optional and will not be used to evaluate your eligibility. They are included so that we can assess our marketing efforts. 

Hold down the control (PC) or command (Mac) key while you click to select more than one choice.

Hold down the control (PC) or command (Mac) key while you click to select more than one choice.

Hold down the control (PC) or command (Mac) key while you click to select more than one choice.